+91 4822 216537
Pala, Kerala

Metrics Level Clarifications

Metric ID Findings of DVV Clarification Link
1.1.2 At the institution level, the curriculum planning and adoption are a collaborative effort
1.1.2 List of persons who participated in the process of in-house curriculum planning View
Meeting notice and minutes of the meeting for in-house curriculum planning View
A copy of the programme of action for in-house curriculum planned and adopted during the last completed academic year View
1.1.3 While planning institutional curriculum, focus is kept on the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs) and Course Learning Outcomes(CLOs)
1.1.3 URL to the page on website where the PLOs and CLOs are listed View
Prospectus for the last completed academic year 2022-2023 View
Report and photographs with caption and date of student induction programmes View
Report and photographs with caption and date of teacher orientation programmes View
1.2.1 Curriculum provides adequate choice of courses to students as optional / electives including pedagogy courses for which teachers are available
1.2.1 Circular/Document of the University showing Duly Approved List of Optional /Electives / Pedagogy Courses in the Curriculum View
Academic Calendar showing time Allotted for Optional /Electives/Pedagogy Courses View
Master Timetable View
1.2.2 Average Number of Value-added courses offered during the last five years
1.2.2 Brochure and Course Content along with CLOs of Value Added Courses (Highlighted in yellow) View
1.2.3 Percentage of Students enrolled in the Value-added courses mentioned at 1.2.2 during the last five years
1.2.3 List of the students enrolled in the Value Added courses View
Value Added Course Completion Certificates
Value Added Course Completion Certificates 2022 - 2023 View
Value Added Course Completion Certificates 2021 - 2022 View
Value Added Course Completion Certificates 2020 - 2021 View
Value Added Course Completion Certificates 2019 - 2020 View
Value Added Course Completion Certificates 2018 - 2019 View
1.2.4 Students are encouraged and facilitated to undergo self-study courses online/offline in several ways
1.2.4 The institutional facilities provided to the students to avail Self Study courses
1. Provision in the time table View
2. Facilities in the Library View
3. Computer Lab Facilities View
4. Academic advice/Guidance View
Teacher’s Mentoring and assistance to students to avail of self-study courses View
1.2.5 Percentage of students who have completed self-study courses ( online /offline, beyond the curriculum) during the last five years
1.2.5 Certificates/ Evidences for Completing the Self-Study Course(s)
Certificates of Self Study Courses 2022 - 2023 View
Certificates of Self Study Courses 2021 - 2022 View
Certificates of Self Study Courses 2020 - 2021 View
Certificates of Self Study Courses 2019 - 2020 View
Certificates of Self Study Courses 2018 - 2019 View
List of the Students Enrolled and Completed in the Self Study Course View
1.4.1 Mechanism is in place for obtaining structured feedback on the curriculum – semester wise from various stakeholders
1.4.1 Sample filled in feedback forms
Students View
Teachers View
Alumni View
Employers View
Heads of Teaching Practice Schools View
1.4.2 Feedback collected from stakeholders is processed and action is taken; feedback process adopted by the institution
1.4.2 Stakeholders Feedback Analysis View
Action Taken Report View

Metric ID Findings of DVV Clarification Link
2.1.1 Average Enrollment percentage of students during the last five years.
2.1.1 Document relating to Sanction of intake from University View
Approval letter of NCTE for intake for B.Ed. and M.Ed. View
Approved admission list year wise and programme wise View
2.1.2 Percentage of seats filled against reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC) as per applicable reservation policy during the last five years.
2.1.2 Copy of letter issued by State Govt. or Central Govt. indicating the reserved categories View
Final admission list published by the HEI View
Admission extract (Programme wise) submitted under SC, ST and OBC categories View
2.1.3 Percentage of students enrolled from EWS and Divyangjan categories during last five years
2.1.3 Certificates of EWS and Divyangjan View
List of students enrolled from EWS and Divyangjan View
2.2.2 Mechanisms are in place to honour student diversities in terms of learning needs; Student diversities are addressed on the basis of the learner profiles identified by the institution
2.2.2 Relevant documents highlighting the activities, to address the student diversities View
Report with seal and signature of Principal View
Photographs with caption and date, if any View
2.2.3 There are institutional provisions for catering to differential student needs; Appropriate learning exposures are provided to students
2.2.3 Relevant documents highlighting the activities, to address the student diversities View
Report with seal and signature of Principal View
Photographs with caption and date, if any View
2.2.4 Student-Mentor ratio for the last completed academic year
2.2.4 Relevant Documents of Mentor–Mentee Activities View
2.3.2 Percentage of teachers integrating ICT (excluding use of PPT) for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems (LMS), Swayam Prabha, e-Learning Resources and others during the last five years
2.3.2 Link to LMS View
2.3.3 Students are encouraged to use ICT support (mobile-based learning, online material, podcast, virtual laboratories, learning apps etc.) for their learning including on field practice
2.3.3 Programme-wise list of students using ICT support View
Documentary Evidence in support of the claim View
Landing page of the LMS View
2.3.4 ICT support is used by students in various learning situations
2.3.4 Lesson plan/activity plan/activity report to substantiate the use of ICT by students in various learning situation View
Geo-tagged photographs wherever applicable View
Link of resources used View
2.3.6 Institution provides exposure to students about recent developments in the field of education
2.3.6 Documentary evidence in support of the selected response View
Report of the activities conducted related to the recent developments in education with videographic support View
2.4.1 Institution provides opportunities for developing competencies and skills in different functional areas through specially designed activities / experiences
2.4.1 Documentary evidence in support of the selected response View
Report of the activities with videographic support View
2.4.2 Students go through a set of activities as preparatory to school-based practice teaching and internship. Pre practice teaching / internship orientation / training encompasses certain significant skills and competencies
2.4.2 Reports and photographs/videos of the activities View
Attendance sheets of the workshops /activities View
Documentary evidence in support of each selected activity View
2.4.3 Competency of effective communication is developed in students through several activities
2.4.3 Details of the activities carried out during the last completed academic year View
2.4.4 Students are enabled to evolve the following tools of assessment for learning suited to the kinds of learning engagement provided to learners, and to analyse as well as interpret responses
2.4.4 Samples prepared by students for each indicated assessment tool View
Documents showing the different activities for evolving indicated assessment tools View
2.4.5 Adequate skills are developed in students for effective use of ICT for teaching learning process
2.4.5 Documentary evidence in support of each response selected View
Sample evidence showing the task carried out for each of the selected response View
2.4.6 Students develop competence to organize academic, cultural, sports and community related events
2.4.6 Documentary evidence showing the activities carried out for each of the selected response View
Report of the events organised View
Photographs with caption and date View
2.4.7 A variety of assignments given and assessed for theory courses
2.4.7 Samples of assessed assignments for theory courses of different programs View
2.4.9 Average number of students attached to each school for internship during the last completed academic year
2.4.9 Copy of the schedule of work of internees in each school View
Plan of teacher engagement in school internship View
2.4.10 Nature of internee engagement during internship
2.4.10 Sample copies for each of selected activities claimed View
School-wise internship reports showing student engagement in activities View
English translation version of the documents View
2.4.12 Performance of students during internship is assessed by the institution in terms of observations of different persons
2.4.12 Assessment criteria adopted by each of the selected persons View
Two filled in sample observation formats for each of the claimed assessors View
2.4.13 Comprehensive appraisal of interns’ performance is in place
2.4.13 Format of criteria and weightages for intern’s performance appraisal used View
5 filled in formats for each of the aspects claimed View
2.5.1 Percentage of full-time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years
2.4.13 Sanction letters indicating the number of posts View
English translation of sanction letter View
2.5.2 Percentage of full-time teachers with Ph. D. degree during the last five years
2.5.2 Certificates of Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) of the faculty View
2.5.3 Average teaching experience of full-time teachers for the last completed academic year.
2.5.3 Copy of the appointment letters of the full-time teachers View
2.6.2 Mechanism of internal evaluation is transparent and robust and time-bound
2.6.2 Copy of university regulation on internal evaluation for teacher education View
Annual institutional plan of action for internal evaluation View
Details of provisions for improvement and bilingual answering View
Documentary evidence for remedial support provided View
2.7.2 Average pass percentage of students during the last five years
2.7.2 Result sheet for each year received from the affiliating university View
Certified report from the head of the institution indicating pass percentage of students - programme wise View
2.7.4 Performance of outgoing students in internal assessment
2.7.4 Record of student wise /program wise /semester wise internal assessment of students for the last completed academic year View

Metric ID Findings of DVV Clarification Link
3.1.1 Average number of research projects funded by government and/ or non-government agencies during the last five years
3.1.1 Sanction letter from the Funding Agency View
3.1.2 Average grants received for research projects from government and / or non-government agencies during the last five years
3.1.2 Sanction letter from the Funding Agency View
Income expenditure statements highlighting the research grants received certified by the auditor View
3.1.3 In-house support is provided by the institution to teachers for research purposes during the last five years
3.1.3 Institutional policy document detailing scheme of incentives View
Sanction letters of award of incentives View
Income Expenditure statements highlighting the relevant expenditure View
Documentary evidence for each of the claims View
3.1.4 Institution has created an eco-system for innovations and other initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge.
3.1.4 Documentary evidence in support of the claims View
Details of reports highlighting the claims made by the institution View
Reports of innovations tried out and ideas incubated View
Copyrights or patents filed View
3.2.1 Average number of research papers / articles per teacher published in Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years
3.2.1 First page of the article/journals
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
E-copies of outer jacket/contents page of the journals in which articles are published
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
3.2.2 Average number of books and/or chapters in edited books published and papers in National / International conference-proceedings per teacher during the last five years
3.2.2 First page of the published book/chapter
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
E-copies of outer jacket/contents page of the books, chapters and papers published along with ISBN number in national/international conference proceedings per teacher year-wise
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
3.3.1 Average number of outreach activities organised by the institution during the last five years
3.3.1 Report of each outreach activity organised along with video/photographs
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
3.3.2 Percentage of students participating in outreach activities organised by the institution during the last five years
3.3.2 Event-wise newspaper clippings/videos/photographs with captions and dates
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
Report of each outreach activity
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
3.3.3 Percentage of student participation in national priority programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDs awareness, Gender sensitivity, Yoga, Digital India, National Water Mission during the last five years
3.3.3 Documentary evidence in support of the claim
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
3.3.5 Number of awards and honours received for outreach activities from government/ recognized agency during the last five years
3.3.5 Appropriate certificates from the awarding agency
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
3.4.1 Average number of linkages for Faculty exchange, Student exchange, research etc. during the last five years
3.4.1 List of teachers/students benefited by linkage-exchange and research
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
Report of each linkage along with video/photographs
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
3.4.2 Functional MoUs with institutions of National and / or International importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the last five years
3.4.2 Copies of the MoUs with institution/industry/corporate house View
3.4.3 Institution has linkages with schools and other educational agencies for both academic and outreach activities
3.4.3 Report of each activity View

Metric ID Findings of DVV Clarification Link
4.1.2 Percentage of classrooms and seminar hall(s) with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart classroom, LMS, video, and sound systems during the last completed academic year
4.1.2 Geotagged photographs View
Link to relevant page on the institutional website View
4.1.3 Percentage of expenditure excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the last five years
4.1.3 Income Expenditure statements highlighting the expenditure on infrastructure augmentation View
4.2.3 Institution has subscription for e-resources and has membership/ registration for the following
4.2.3 e-journals View
e-Shodh Sindhu
Receipts of subscription/membership of e-resources View
E-copy of the letter of subscription membership of the name of the institution View
4.2.4 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books, journals, and e-resources during the last five years
4.2.4 Income expenditure statements highlighting the expenditure on purchase of books, journals, e- resources View
4.2.5 Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students (footfalls and login data for online access) during the latest completed academic year
4.2.5 Document showing the number of teachers and students using library/e-library per working day/ logins in remote access View
Link to Certified copies of the ledger pages/screenshots of the data for 5 days each for five months selected by the institution View
4.2.6 Efforts are made to make available National policies and other documents on education in the library suitable to the three streams of teacher education –general teacher education, special education and physical education
4.2.6 Relevant educational documents are obtained on a regular basis View
Documents are obtained as and when teachers recommend View
Documents are obtained as gifts to College View
4.3.2 Student – Computer ratio for last completed academic year
4.3.2 Purchase receipts and relevant pages of the Stock Register with seal and signature of the principal View
4.3.3 Internet bandwidth available in the institution
4.3.3 Receipt for connection indicating bandwidth View
Bill for any one month during the last completed academic year indicating internet connection plan, speed and bandwidth View
4.3.4 Facilities for e-content development are available in the institution
4.3.4 Link to videos of the e-content development facilities View
List the equipment purchased for claimed facilities along with the relevant bills View
Link to the e-content developed by the faculty of the institution View
4.4.1 Percentage expenditure incurred exclusively on maintenance of physical and academic support facilities during the last five years
4.4.1 Income-Expenditure statement highlighting relevant items with seal and signature of the Principal and Chartered Accountant View

Metric ID Findings of DVV Clarification Link
5.1.1 A range of capability building and skill enhancement initiatives are undertaken by the institution
5.1.1 Report on each capability building and skill enhancement initiative adopted with seal and signature of the Principal View
Sample feedback sheets from the students participating in each of the initiatives View
Photographs with date and caption for each initiative View
5.1.2 Available student support facilities in the institution
5.1.2 Geo-tagged photographs View
5.1.3 The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases
5.1.3 Institutional guidelines for students’ grievance redressal View
Composition of the student grievance redressal committee, including sexual harassment and ragging View
Samples of grievance submitted offline View
5.1.4 Institution provides additional support to needy students in several ways.
5.1.4 Income Expenditure Statement highlighting the relevant expenditure towards student concession along with approval / sanction letter View
Report of the Placement Cell View
5.2.1 Percentage of placement of students as teachers/teacher educators
5.2.1 Annual reports of Placement Cell for five years View
Appointment letters of 10% graduates for each year View
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
5.2.2 Percentage of student progression to higher education during the last completed academic year
5.2.2 Details of graduating students and their progression to higher education with seal and signature of the principal View
Documentary evidence in support of the claim View
5.2.3 Percentage of students qualifying state/national-level examinations during the last five years
5.2.3 Copy of certificates for qualifying in the state/national examination
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
5.3.2 Average number of sports and cultural events organised at the institution during the last five years
5.3.2 Reports of the events along with the photographs with captions and dates
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
Copy of circular / brochure indicating such kind of events View
5.4.2 Alumni has an active role in the regular institutional functioning.
5.4.2 Documentary evidence for the selected claim View
Income Expenditure statement highlighting the alumni contribution View
Report of alumni participation in institutional functioning for last completed academic year View
5.4.3 Number of meetings of Alumni Association held during the last five years
5.4.3 Agenda and minutes of the meeting of Alumni Association with seal and signature of the Principal and the Secretary of the Association View
English Translation for Malayalam Text in the Alumni Report View

Metric ID Findings of DVV Clarification Link
6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance
6.2.3 Screen shots of user interfaces of each module View
Annual e-governance report View
Geo-tagged photographs View
6.3.2 Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend seminars/ conferences / workshops and towards membership fees of professional bodies during the last five years
6.3.2 Institutional Policy document on providing financial support to teachers View
E-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers
Certificate of participation for the claim
Certificate of membership to teachers
Income Expenditure statement highlighting the financial support
6.3.3 Number of professional development /administrative training programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the last five years.
6.3.3 Brochures / Reports along with Photographs with date and caption.
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
List of participants of each programme
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
6.3.4 Percentage of teachers undergoing online / face to face Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs) viz., Orientation Programme and Refresher Course of the ASC / HRDC, Short Term Course and similar programmes
6.3.4 Copy of the Course completion certificates
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
6.4.2 Funds / Donations received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists averaged over the last five years
6.4.2 Income Expenditure statements highlighting the relevant items with seal and signature of both the Chartered Accountant / Principal
2022-2023 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
Copy of letter from the NGO / Individual / Philanthropists stating the Fund / Donation given View
6.5.3 Average number of quality initiatives taken by IQAC or any other mechanism for promoting quality culture during the last five years.
6.5.3 Report of the work done by IQAC or other quality mechanisms
2022-2023 View
2021-2022 View
2020-2021 View
2019-2020 View
2018-2019 View
List of quality initiatives undertaken by IQAC / other quality mechanism signed by the Principal View
6.5.4 The institution engages in several quality initiatives
6.5.4 Link to the minutes of the meeting of IQAC View
Link to Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQAR) of IQAC
AQAR Report - 2022 - 23 View
AQAR Report - 2021 - 22 View
AQAR Report - 2020 - 21 View
AQAR Report - 2019 - 20 View
AQAR Report - 2018 - 19 View
Consolidated report of Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) View
Initiation of follow up action View
e-Copies of the accreditations and certifications View
Supporting document of participation in NIRF View
Feedback analysis report View

Metric ID Findings of DVV Clarification Link
7.1.3 Institution waste management practices include
7.1.3 Documentary evidence in support of each selected response View
Geo-tagged photographs View
Income Expenditure Statement Highlighting the specific components View
7.1.4 Institution has water management and conservation initiatives in the form of
7.1.4 Income Expenditure statement highlighting the specific components View
Documentary evidence in support of the claim View
Geo-tagged photographs View
7.1.6 Institution is committed to encourage green practices that include
7.1.6 Videos / Geo-tagged photographs related to Green Practices adopted by the institution View
Circulars and relevant policy papers for the claims made View
Snapshots and documents related to exclusive software packages used for paperless office View
Income Expenditure statement highlighting the specific components View
7.1.7 Percentage of expenditure on green initiatives and waste management excluding salary component during the last five years
7.1.7 Income Expenditure statement on green initiatives, energy and waste management View
7.1.9 Institution has a prescribed Code of Conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff, and conducts periodic programmes to appraise adherence to the Code through the following ways
7.1.9 Copy of the Code of Conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff of Institution / Affiliating University View
Web-Link to the Code of Conduct displayed on the institution’s website View
Reports / minutes of the periodic programmes to appraise adherence to the Code of Conduct View
Details of the Monitoring Committee, Professional ethics programmes, if any View


ST. Thomas College

of Teacher Education
Pala, Kerala.
+91 4822 216537 +91 4822 216537 (Fax) [email protected]

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