+91 4822 216537
Pala, Kerala


The college have Collaborations with institutions within India and abroad for Mutual Exchange of Academic Resources, Staff Proficiency, Faculty Improvement, Skill Development, Outcome Based Trainings and Related Services, Publication, Organisation of Seminars/Conferences/Workshops, etc. The MoU for this purpose has been signed with the following institutions.

  1. University of Malaya, Kaulalumpur, Malaysia
  2. Geneva Business School, Switzerland
  3. AIMST University, Kedah, Malaysia
  4. Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies, Palakkad, Kerala
  5. St. Joseph College of Education, Mysore, Karnataka.

These institutions are collaborating to our college for organising different academic programmes for the professional enhancement of our faculty and betterment of our society.


ST. Thomas College

of Teacher Education
Pala, Kerala.
+91 4822 216537 +91 4822 216537 (Fax) [email protected]

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