+91 4822 216537
Pala, Kerala

Extended Profile Clarifications

Metric Id Findings of DVV Clarification Link
1.Students 1.1 Number of students on roll year-wise during the last five years
Principal certified list of on roll students during the last five years View
Principal certified list of discontinued students during the last five years View
1.2 Number of Seats Sanctioned Year Wise during the Last Five Years
Document relating to Sanction of intake from University for Programmes View
Approval letter of NCTE for intake for all Programmes View
1.3 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI / State Govt. rule year wise during the last five years
Document (Government of Kerala - Direct Payment Agreement) regarding reservation of seats in Higher Education View
Prospectus of Mahatma Gandhi University (B.Ed. and M.Ed. programmes) regarding reservation of seats while admitting students to educational institutions View
1.4 Number of outgoing / final year students who appeared for final examination year-wise during the last five years
Document showing the number of Outgoing / Final year students of the B.Ed and M.Ed Programme during the years (2018-2023) duly signed by the Principal View
Name list of the Outgoing / Final Year students of the B.Ed and M.Ed Programme during the years (2018-2023) duly signed by the Principal View
1.5 Number of graduating students year-wise during last five years
Year wise Result sheets of the Graduating Students in the last Five Years 2018-2023
Result Sheets of the Year 2022 - 2023 View
Result Sheets of the Year 2021 - 2022 View
Result Sheets of the Year 2020 - 2021 View
Result Sheets of the Year 2019 - 2020 View
Result Sheets of the Year 2018 - 2019 View
Certificate and Statement of the pass percentage from the academic year 2017 - 2019 to 2021 - 2023 View
1.6 Number of students enrolled (admitted) year-wise during the last five years
Approved admission list year-wise by the Principal View
Approved admission list year-wise by the affiliating university View
2.Teachers 2.1 Number of full-time teachers year-wise during the last five years
List of Full Time Teachers duly signed by the Principal during the Last Five Years View
2.2 Number of Sanctioned posts year-wise during the last five years
List showing the names of the departments and the number of posts sanctioned for the respective departments duly signed by the Principal View
Official letter(s) of sanction of posts from the statutory body/Government Board of Management during the assessment period View
3.Institution 3.1 Total expenditure excluding salary year wise during the last five years
Income and Expenditure Statement for the year 2022 - 2023 View
Income and Expenditure Statement for the year 2021 - 2022 View
Income and Expenditure Statement for the year 2020 - 2021 View
Income and Expenditure Statement for the year 2019 - 2020 View
Income and Expenditure Statement for the year 2018 - 2019 View
C.A. Certified Document of the total expenditure excluding salary year wise during the last five years 2018 - 2023 View
3.2 Number of Computers in the Institution for Academic Purposes
Stock register extracts of the Computers available in the Institution duly certified by the Principal View
Invoice copy of Computers View


ST. Thomas College

of Teacher Education
Pala, Kerala.
+91 4822 216537 +91 4822 216537 (Fax) [email protected]

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