+91 4822 216537
Pala, Kerala

In-house Curriculum Planning Committee

In-house Curriculum Planning Committee is a consortium formed within the Institution with the College Principal, teaching faculty, and representatives of practice teaching schools, employers, industrial experts, alumni and students as its members.

The main objectives are:

  • Review the implementation of B.Ed. and M.Ed. teacher education curriculum through collaborative discussions
  • Organize meetings to plan, execute, and evaluate curricular activities each semester, focusing on local needs and the institution’s vision and mission.
  1. Dr. Sr. Beenamma Mathew (Principal, Chairperson)
  2. Prof. Jose P. Mattam (Expert)
  3. Rev. Fr. Berchmans Kunnumpuram (Secretary, Corporate Educational Agency, Pala- Representative Employers)
  4. Mr. Reji Sebastian (H.M. Model School)
  5. Dr. Mathews T. Thelly (Executive Member, Alumni)
  6. Dr. T.M Mollykutty (HOD, M.Ed.)
  7. Dr. T.C. Thankachan (Core Course)
  8. Dr. Sr. Mary Thomas (Physical Science Education)
  9. Dr. Lavina Dominic (English Education)
  10. Dr. Sunu Austin (Social Science Education, Convenor)
  11. Dr. Bindu David (Natural Science Optional)
  12. Mr. Joffy J. Njavallil (Commerce Education)
  13. Mrs. Aneeta George (M Ed. Faculty)
  14. Mr. Jeffin Jose (Representative of Students)


ST. Thomas College

of Teacher Education
Pala, Kerala.
+91 4822 216537 +91 4822 216537 (Fax) [email protected]

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