ISSN: 2320-7612
RNI Reg. No. KERENG 2013/48939
Guidelines to the Contributors/Authors
EDUCATIONAL EXTRACTS is a peer reviewed bi-annual educational journal published by St. Thomas College of Teacher Education Pala, Kottayam, Kerala to promote research and academic excellence among teacher educators, teachers and research scholars in Universities/Colleges and other centres of research. We are committed to publish high quality original research works including case studies, experimental studies, book reviews and surveys related to Education and Interdisciplinary areas. This journal is published for the academics, researchers, administrators, field experts and those people concerned with mediating research findings to policy makers and practitioners. The main objective of the journal is to promote and encourage researches in various subjects related to education and to disseminate accurate knowledge for improving educational scenario.
Research Papers/Articles/Book reviews must be typed on one side of A4 Size paper in MS Word in Times New Roman font of 12 size with 1.5 spacing not exceeding 15 pages.
The first page of the Paper/Article must contain the following information.
Information on grants and funding agencies and acknowledgements if any, should be given at the end of the paper before references/bibliography. All the references should be in alphabetical order and is made in APA Style. Tables should be kept short, and numbered sequentially in the appropriate location. Titles and column headings should be brief and descriptive. Acronyms and abbreviations should be spelt out in full when first used in the manuscript.
Send the soft copy through e-mail ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected],), website of the college and three hard copies of the paper to The Chief Editor, Educational Extracts, St. Thomas College of Teacher Education, Pala P.O., Kottayam District, Kerala – 686 575.
All research papers/ articles in this journal would undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Acceptance or rejection will be intimated to the author through e-mail only. Contributors will receive one copy of the issue bearing their paper/article. Submission of an article is taken to imply that it has not been previously published and it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The author(s) will be responsible in this regard and should submit a declaration form in the given format. The copy right will be reserved to the publisher.
The authors should send the DD of Rs. 1000/- for publication charge after getting the acceptance letter from the Chief Editor. (Address – The Chief Editor, Educational Extracts, St. Thomas College of Teacher Education, Pala P.O., Kottayam District, Kerala – 686 575.)
The Subscription details:
Please note that the amount may be paid by Demand Draft (In favour of The Chief Editor, Educational Extracts, St. Thomas College of Teacher Education, Pala)
For more details please visit our website (htpp://
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