+91 4822 216537
Pala, Kerala


A student absenting himself without leave for 15 consecutive working days will be removed from the rolls. The students have to wear their uniform on all assembly days and other important days as and when notified. There will be a general assembly of B.Ed. and M.Ed. students on all mornings. D.El.Ed. students also have their assembly once every week. All students are to be in time for the assembly. The college has implemented a Biometric attendance system in accordance with NCTE instructions, requiring students to mark attendance before 9:30 am and after 4:00 pm. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this system has been cancelled. Attendance details are provided in the curriculum. Students must refrain from bunking classes and seek prior permission from teachers or the Principal for absence. Lateness disrupts classes and should be avoided. Leave applications must be submitted 24 hours in advance, and forms are available at the office for a nominal fee. Casual leave is limited to ten days per year, with no more than seven consecutive days, including weekends. Medical certificates may be required for medical leave. Leave close to or during holidays is not ordinarily granted. Absence without leave for 15 consecutive working days will result in removal from the rolls. Uniforms are mandatory on assembly and important days, with assemblies held regularly for all student cohorts. Attendance at assemblies is compulsory.


ST. Thomas College

of Teacher Education
Pala, Kerala.
+91 4822 216537 +91 4822 216537 (Fax) stcepala@gmail.com

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